Friday, July 11, 2008

What is integrity?

I think that the Father is teaching me something different right now. I've never been a generally bad person. And I know that in relation to the Kingdom, "good" and "bad" dont really hold much weight. When I was little I never stole or cussed or purposfully disobeyed my mom mainly because I hated that rotten feeling that your soul gets after doing bad things. And even now I really cant just go about being unnecessarily evil. However, I've happened along some personal shortcomings that are keeping my spirit uneasy.

Mainly at work. I've adapted this secretive dishonesty. Lying about sickness a little too much. Taking candy or food without paying for it. I'm usually ok for a while, then I come to realize that I've been doing things that are not only contradictory to my personality but the integrity of the Kingdom.

I do know that having your sin being pointed out in public is one way for a person to realize that they need to stop. I havent really been accused openly by anyone but myself and most certainly the Holy Spirit. My friend D is good at letting me know every once in a while that I'm short-changing my faith. I appreciate that. Humbleness, I believe, is the stitches that help heal the wound.

So, integrity. The word, like so many, stirs up not only some tattoo inspiration, but stirs in me the wanting to be not a "good" person but a morally aware, Kingdom-minded person. I hope that Christ can further stir in me the will to persue this and not let my shortcomings defy my faith. I do praise Him for the grace to let me realize that I need Him.

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