Friday, February 13, 2009

its been a while...

I haven't blogged lately. And I should have been, because its ridiculously boring at work and writing is far better than being on facebook.

Sometimes I don't feel inspired when I want to be. I want to sit here and pour out words to the keyboard and make the reader smile. But not a whole lot of people read this. Just Mark and maybe Damaris. So I'll just type today.

The King blessed me today by letting me wake up again to my wonderful husband. My hair is doing nice things today, and I had some wonderful Bombay Chai with honey and milk. Its a pretty good day. I snuck in to work today wearing jeans, which is nice, because I love jeans. I'm listening to my wonderful husband's band, Blue Condition (here, and here, too...) and I'm so excited for whats in store for them. Hopefully very big things. Readers, become fans! They're gettin' big!

And, yes, its the day before Valentine's Day. Its never bothered when I was single like it bothers so many. I do think its a little cheesy.

OH MY! It is 2 weeks (almost) before our 1 year anniversary!!! WOW! March, 1st, people!! The Father is so gracious. I pray for 80 more years if we can live that long! I love Jeremy so very much, and I'm so proud of this first year! It has been fun!

And now, cute pictures:

This seems very Valentine's-y. Very cute. :) See, affection takes EFFORT!

Cuppa Tea. My new brew. MUCH healthier than coffee. True story.

OK, I don't remember where I got this picture, but I believe it was taken at an Australian Beach. Left side: fireworks, Right side: Lightening, Middle: Shooting Stars. - God. Is. Amazing. (click on pic for bigger image...)

Yes, I did get this tattoo on my right shoulder blade in red for my Grammy. My mommy got one, too.

Chelsa on her wedding day! The 506 girls!!! Laura, Alison, Chelsa, me and Damaris!!! BEAUTIFUL!

1 comment:

My name is Damaris said...

I read your blog like every time you write. Sometimes it's a few days later. But I read all of them.


Follow your dreams, Tara. Now's your chance.

I love you so much.